Helpful Handout: What First Responders Should Consider Asking Their Docs
Date:Sunday November 10, 2024

We’ve all probably had doctor appointments that feel a bit rushed. It can be easy to forget to ask certain questions or communicate your needs fully in the few minutes spent with a doctor. But for first responders, it’s very important to make sure any healthcare provider is aware of their profession and the impact it can have on their health. Being a first responder can have an effect on blood pressure, sleep, circulation, mental health, and more. To take the guesswork out of it, consider using the handout below as a guide for the kinds of questions and topics first responders can bring up with healthcare providers.
*This handout is not a replacement for medical advice. This is not an exhaustive list of what to ask or not ask or share with a healthcare provider. Ask a healthcare provider before making any healthcare decisions.