2021 FOP Biennial Critical Issues in Policing Survey
Date:Friday October 8, 2021

Let Your Voice Be Heard!
Find the survey at:
Or use the QR code to take it right on your mobile device:
QR Code:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Is it confidential?
Yes! All responses to the survey are confidential, and respondents cannot be identified. In order to gain the most honest feedback, we made your confidentiality a priority.
Do I have to be an active officer to participate?
The Survey is open to both active and retired sworn law enforcement officers.
How long will the survey take?
They survey will take about 20-25 minutes to complete, which we know is valuable time out of a busy day. However, the reason we have included all these questions is that we are planning on conducting this type of survey only once every 2 years and we want to make it count! It is important that we gather as much information on the critical issues as possible so that we can present the most complete picture of our collective experiences. With all of the information and narratives in the media surrounding law enforcement, we believe that the actual experiences and voices of our law enforcement officers sometimes remain unheard.
Do I have to complete it all at once?
You can complete the Survey in parts as time allows. Each time you reach a “NEXT” or “OK” button, your responses will be saved. Just click on the survey link again on the same device that you started the survey (eg. mobile, computer etc). You can just start again where you left off and continue to complete the survey. The Survey can easily be completed on either a computer or a mobile device, but participating via computer may provide greater ease of readability.
What are the benefits of completing the Survey?
At the completion of the Survey, you will be eligible to enter a separate drawing for a prize! The information gathered in this Survey will help the FOP share with the world the FACTS of what law enforcement officers are experiencing, and will help arm us with the tools to build initiatives that will support law enforcement, now and into the future.
Thank you for your support. We can’t wait to hear from our heroes!